Flare Functions
The following functions are available to users of the Flare Reborn DAO
Pause Farm
This function pauses the stake, claim rewards and harvest functions and is meant to be used in case of emergency.
Unstaking is not pausable and staked funds can always be withdrawn
Unpause Farm
This function reenables the stake, claim rewards and harvest functions.
Fund Farm Contract with FRB
This function send FRB from the DAO contract to the canary farm. Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to send 1000 FRB, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Transfer FRB
This function sends a specified amount to a specified address. Function can be called for funding new contracts. Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to send 1000 FRB, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Withdraw FRB from Farm
This function withdraw all FRB from the canary farm to the DAO contract. To be used when migrating to a new farm contract. Any pending rewards must be claimed before calling the function, otherwise they will be forfeited.
Send FRB Amount each Harvest
This function changes the daily FRB harvest amount. Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to send 1000 FRB, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Set Harvest Frequency
This function sets the amount of time between each harvest in second. Default is 24 hours (86400)
Set minimum staked FRB to earn Harvest Points
This function sets the minimum amount of FRB that needs to be staked to earn harvest points. Amount must be equally paired with FLR in terms of value. Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to set 1000 FRB, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Set Amount of Harvest Points earned each Harvest
This function sets the amount of Harvest Points a user earns when calling the harvest function. Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to set 1000 Harvest Points, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Set Charge Duration on NFTs
This function sets the amount of time that NFTs remain charged. Default is 30 days (2592000)
Change Harvest Rewards Contract (upgrade)
This function changes the rewards contract, which is the interface for charging NFTS and minting reward NFTs. Callable when migrating to a new Rewards contract.
Add NFT collection to staking boost
This function adds an NFT that provides a staking boost. Default only the Reborn NFT is added. Contract address: address of the NFT Boost amount: Must be a percentage * 10000. E.G. a staking boost of 10% is 10 * 10000 = 100000 Maximum amount of NFTs to take into account: Cap of NFTs that are counted for boost. 0 = No NFTs are taken into account
Remove NFT from staking boost
This function removes a specified NFT from providing a staking boost Contract address: address of the NFT
Set FRB amount to mint NFT
This function sets the amount of FRB required to mint the reward NFT (default: reborn NFT) Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to set 1000 FRB, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Set FRB amount to charge NFT
This function sets the amount of FRB required to charge the reborn NFT. Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to set 1000 FRB, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Add NFT that is mintable using Harvest Points and FRB
This function adds an NFT that can be minted using FRB and Harvest points (like Bronze, Silver & Gold coins on Songbird). Amount of FRB required to buy can only be changed by calling the above (Set FRB amount to mint NFT) and is the same for all reward NFTs Contract address: address of NFT Amount of Harvest Points: to mint NFT Amount needs to be sent in WEI: https://eth-converter.com/ E.G. If you want to set 1000 Harvest Points, you need to fill in 1000000000000000000000
Remove NFT from being mintable using HarvestPoints and FRB
This function reverts the previous function and no longer allows minting of the NFT Contract address: address of NFT
Transfer LP tokens locked in this contract to multi-signature safe (used when migrating to new DEX)
This function transfers the LP tokens owned by the DAO contract (by default initial liquidity) to the specified safe. Should be called when migrating liquidity to a new DEX and should only be sent to a multi-sig safe owned by trusted community members. Contract address: address of safe
Refund proposer of previous voting round
Refunds are automatically proposed after successfully executing a function. However in case the proposal is not accepted, this is not the case. In case the proposal was valid and not malicious (but reached no majority), the function can be called to refund the proposer
Set Amount required to propose a vote
To prevent SPAM and malicious proposals, an amount of FRB is sent to the DAO contract when initiating a vote. When vote is accepted, the community can vote to refund the amount. As a reward for submitting valid proposal, the refund amount is doubled (if funds available)
Change owner of Farm & Reward Contracts (when migrating to new DAO contract)
This function is called when migrating to a new DAO contract that controls the functions of the farm & rewards contracts. Only accept this proposal when the destination contract has been deployed, its code published and audited. Contract address: address of new DAO contract.
Change owner of NFT Contract (when migrating to new DAO contract)
This function is called when migrating to a new DAO contract or when changing ownership to a new rewards contract for minting. Only accept this proposal when the destination contract has been deployed, its code published and audited. Contract address: address of new DAO or rewards contract.
Change LP token for farm (When migrating liquidity to new (V3) DEX)
This function changed the LP token that can be staked in the farm contract. All previously staked funds must be withdrawn or will be forfeited. Contract address: address of new LP token
Last updated