Questions & Answers
Why is there a fee when unstaking my LP tokens?
Due to the nature of the daily harvesting function, a fee has to be implemented in order to prevent malicious participants from harvesting, unstaking, moving the funds to a new wallet and harvesting again and again. The fee is sent to the DAO contract and essentially locks additional SFLR/FRB liquidity.
Why is direct claiming of rewards discouraged by burning the majority?
This is done to discourage participants from constantly harvesting and selling FRB, diluting the supply and negatively impacting all other participants. By utilizing the pending amount within the ecosystem (mint NFT or charge NFT to unlock staking boosts), the impact on the other participants is limited.
Why are NFT holders managing the smart contracts?
We want to achieve a decentralized and transparent approach, where the participants are able to directly manage the projects. Many projects support voting, yet only a small team controls all smart contracts, initial liquidity and the remaining token supply. Therefore the action of a small few could impact token holders and endanger the longevity of the project.
Why is the full airdrop amount not claimable on day 1?
As mentioned above, airdropping 2,000,000 FRB with less than 400,000 as initial liquidity could incur large price swings. Any participants that are not monitoring the price at the moment of launch will be negatively impacted. The current system ensures the price stability, increases liquidity and ensures tokens are distributed gradually to active participants.
How do songbird NFT holders benefit from this launch?
Holders of bronze, silver and gold coins NFTs are the only ones that are able to burn CRB for a part of the 2,000,000 airdrop allocation. Coin holders will also exclusively benefit from the FRB farm on songbird, either as a staking boost or as a requirement for participating in the farm (to be voted on). This will reward those who have been actively participating and harvesting on Songbird. Regular Reborn NFTs will retain the staking boost on the regular farm.
How are operational costs covered?
There are two different type of fees
Fees that are sent to the multisig wallet
Fees that are sent to the DAO
In order to pay for small operational costs (hosting, domainβ¦) and a small reimbursement for the hundreds of development hours, 10% of the fees and FRB charging fees are sent to the multisignature wallet. 90% of the fees are sent to the DAO contract, which holds the initial liquidity and unallocated FRB.
Why are we launching the DAO contract on Flare, without battle testing on Songbird?
We will only launch a light version of the DAO contract on Flare, which can only perform a limited few functions:
Transfer unallocated FRB to the future DAO contract
Transfer LP tokens to the future DAO contract
Transfer ownership of token contract to the future DAO contract
Transfer ownership of airdrop contract to the future DAO contract
Migrate function to execute above functions in one proposal
The following safeguards apply:
As with the main DAO contract, the multisignature wallet is able to veto malicious proposals but is not able to transfer any funds on its own.
A minimum of 200 NFTs must have been minted before being able to submit a proposal
A minimum of 100 NFTs must have voted in order to pass the vote
NFT contract will be owned by the farm contract and cannot be controlled by any wallet
Last updated